BAB 1 Mengenal Data dan Data Science
Pengertian Data, Informasi, dan Pengetahuan
Data Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif serta Contohnya
Pengertian Data Science dan Data Scientist
Tools atau Software Populer Data Scientist
Mengenal Big Data dan Big Data Analytics
Skill Utama Menjadi Seorang Data Scientist
Jenis Tugas Data Scientist
Real Life Data: Kebocoran Data Facebook
Success Story: Having been trained as a computer scientist in the '90s, everybody knew that AI didn't work. People tried it. They tried neural nets, and none of it worked (Sergey Brin - Founder of Google)
BAB 2 Bahasa Pemrograman & Software Data Science
Microsoft Excel: Software analisis data terpopuler
MATLAB: Analisis data, membangun algoritma, dan membuat model
Python: Bahasa pemrograman populer untuk data science
SPSS: Software statistik terpopuler
BAB 3 Machine Learning
Professional Quote: Machine learning is taught by academics, for academics. That’s why most material is so dry and math-heavy (Jason Brownlee - Academic Researcher).
Apa itu Machine Learning dan Cara Kerjanya
Manfaat dan Contoh Penerapan Machine Learning
Cara Kerja Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
BAB 4 Big Data Engineering
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